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Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions by preventing unsuitable individuals from working with children and vulnerable groups. Pershore Volunteer Centre is a registered body that assists not-for-profit organisations in applying for DBS checks for volunteers and employees.

Our DBS Services:

  • Identify which roles require DBS checks.
  • Guide applicants in providing correct documentation and completing forms.
  • Submit applications, track progress, and provide updates.
  • Assist in using the DBS Update Service to keep certificates up-to-date.

DBS Check Fees:

  • £44 for paid employee checks (DBS fee); free for volunteers + administration fees
  • Administration fee for non-members: £20/person
  • Administration fee for members: £15/person + £44 for employees.
Register online to become a member. For more details, contact us at or call 01386 554299.

DBS Check Stages

The DBS check involves five stages:
1. Application Validation: The form is checked for errors and validated within 24 hours.
2. Police National Computer Search: The PNC is searched for relevant records.
3. Children and Adults Lists Check: Applicable lists are checked.
4. Local Police Records Search: Enhanced checks include additional local police record searches.
5. Certificate Issuance: The DBS certificate is securely printed and sent to the applicant.

DBS Checks

There are four types of DBS Check
1. Standard Check: Includes details of all convictions, cautions, reprimands, or warnings, both 'spent' and 'unspent.'
2. Enhanced Check: Includes standard check details plus relevant local police information.
3. Enhanced with Barred List Check:
  • Child Barred List: For those working in regulated activities with children or specific roles like prospective adoptive parents.
  • Adult Barred List: For those working in regulated activities with adults.
  • Child and Adult Barred List: For roles involving both vulnerable groups.
4. Adult First Check: An initial check against the adult barred list while awaiting full results.
Most standard checks are processed within 14 days, however some checks may take longer. 

Get In Touch

As a community organisation we are delighted to help you to access our services.
Pershore Plus Volunteer Centre, 1 Billing House, Pershore, WR10 1EY
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